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online resources.


There is an abundance of quality resources and information available online:

A national study looking at the effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on child and adult populations.  The intial study, a joint effort between the CDC and Kaiser Permanente, included 17,000 primary care patients who were surveyed using the Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire and then their responses were then correlated with physical, psychological, social, and economic effects.  This study established the link between childhood trauma and later difficulties.

The CDC's website devoted to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.

A news site that reports on research about adverse childhood experiences, including developments in epidemiology, neurobiology, and the biomedical and epigenetic consequences of toxic stress. We also cover how people, organizations, agencies and communities are implementing practices based on the research. This includes developments in education,  juvenile justice, criminal justice, public health, medicine, mental health, social services, and cities, counties and states. 

A website with a compendium of resources for Mindfulness research and literature.  

A webpage for the organization founded by Bruce Perry dedicated to understanding and treating trauma related disorders in children and adolescents.  Includes articles and listings of upcoming child trauma related trainings and speaking engagements.

The Child Trauma Institute site includes parent information, trauma measures, publications, training programs & links. The Institute provides training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults.

Darkness to Light raises awareness of the prevalence and consequences of child sexual abuse by educating adults about the steps they can take to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse.

The Dart Center:

Advocates ethical and thorough reporting of trauma; compassionate, professional treatment of victims and survivors by journalists; and greater awareness by media organizations of the impact of trauma coverage on both news professionals and news consumers.

Educates  journalists and journalism students about the science and psychology of trauma and the implications for news coverage.

Provides a professional forum for journalists in all media to analyze issues, share knowledge and ideas, and advance strategies related to the craft of reporting on violence and tragedy.

Creates and sustains interdisciplinary collaboration and communication among news professionals, clinicians, academic researchers and others concerned with violence, conflict and tragedy.

A local organization devoted to supporting EMDR therapists, informing EMDR clients, and facilitating connections between providers.

A site for survivors of trauma and victimization, Gift From Within gives trauma survivors, their loved ones and supporters a credible online website that is friendly and supportive. Explains the condition of without being too technical or too superficial. Gift From Within believes that persons with PTSD and related traumatic stress syndromes deserve the same respect and support that individuals and families suffering the impact of cancer, heart disease and stroke receive.

An excellent website for clients interested in healing from past trauma, with resources, guides to ways to heal, and expert advice.  

Jim Hopper’s site on Child Abuse Statistics, Research, and Resources This site has several pages about child abuse – how prevalent it is, its potential effects, where to learn more and, if you're looking, how to find help for yourself or someone you care about. The site provides scholarly knowledge and resources, in language and formats accessible to any interested and motivated person – young or old, highly educated or not.

An Australian website with mindfulness recordings that are free for download and include options for either a male or female speaker on the recording.  

A website compiling information on the positive impact of meditative practices on PTSD and trauma related disorders. 

MNCASA is a voice for victims/survivors, sexual assault programs, and allies committed to ending sexual violence. 

The National Association to Protect Children is a national pro-child, anti-crime membership association. We are founded on the belief that our first and most sacred obligation as parents, citizens and members of the human species is the protection of children.

National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research and education on PTSD; includes the PILOTS Database, an electronic index to PTSD literature

A Congressionally established network of organizations, providers, and researchers dedicated to understanding, preventing, and treating traumatic stress in children and adolescents. 

The New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation (NESTTD) is an organization devoted to providing training, information and resources on the effective treatment of psychological trauma, complex trauma and dissociation.Founded in 1984, NESTTD is incorporated as a nonprofit organization. The society has its headquarters in Massachusetts and has members from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.  NESTTD is an affiliate society of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD).

An organization dedicated to the bringing awareness to sexual abuse/assault and its prevention. 

Resources for ritual abuse survivors, mind control survivors, their therapists, ministers, families, friends, and researchers. We have been collecting these resources since 1995, so many books are now out of print and many websites are no longer on the Internet. We have listed archived url's for most of those websites.

The CMHS National Center for Trauma Informed Care provides trauma training and technical assistance to assist in the transformation of publicly-funded agencies, programs, and services to an environment that is more supportive, comprehensively integrated, and empowering for trauma survivors. Site provides information and available trainings. CMHS’s National Center for Trauma-Informed Care links to publications and studies on trauma. 

Sidran Institute helps people understand, recover from and treat traumatic stress (including PTSD), dissociative disorders, and co-occurring issues, such as addictions, self injury, and suicidality. Sidran develops and delivers educational programming, resources for treatment, support, and self help, trauma-informed community and professional collaboration projects, and publications about trauma and recovery

A webpage of the Massachusetts based center founded by Bessel van der Kolk, includes articles, listings of trauma trainings in Boston, MA and speaking engagements for Bessel van der Kolk.  The Trauma Center annually co-hosts the International Trauma Conference in Boston, for which information can be found on this webpage.

A website started by Linda Curran devoted to helping trauma therapists. This website is a treasure trove of helpful information and resources, including options to make audio recordings for trauma resourcing and upload them on the website for clients to download, a wealth of helpful explanations and descriptions of the nature of trauma and various treatments for trauma. 

The Trauma & Mental Health Report is a weekly online mental-health magazine published out of York University in Toronto.  Its purpose is to share research-based knowledge with members of the community, on the topic of interpersonal trauma.  We cover issues like the causes and consequences of trauma; treatment, prevention, and implications of trauma for society at large.  We draw on primary sources including interviews with survivors, therapists, and others who work in the field of interpersonal trauma.  We aim to disseminate knowledge by including research published in reputable scientific journals, in a manner that can be readily understood by readers.

An online listing of full articles from the world's leading experts on trauma, dissociation, attachment, and more.

The Trauma Resource Institute, a nonprofit corporation, globally cultivates trauma informed and resiliency focused individuals and communities. The  Trauma Resiliency and Community Resiliency Models  help individuals understand the biology of traumatic stress reactions and most importantly, learn specific skills to return the body, mind and spirit back to balance after experiencing traumatic events.  The skills can awaken the hope that has for some been lost after human-made and natural disasters.

The longest standing study looking at the impact of attachment patterns on development and functioning across the lifespan.

An excellent online resource including interviews with master trauma therapists, tips for new trauma therapists, and downloadable PDFs with suggestions and guidelines for working with trauma. 

To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.

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